
Volunteering is FUN! And you get to shop FIRST!

We need volunteers to make each sale run smoothly. We appreciate anyone willing and able to help. By volunteering and working your assigned shifts, you become eligible to shop in the first pre-sale, before any other group. Giving you the first go at the merchandise is one of the ways we say thank you. Most work shifts are only 2-3 hours and you just need to sign up for one shift! Volunteer opportunities include the following:
  • Setting up for the sale (may include heavy lifting)
  • Accepting consignor drop offs
  • Working during a sale on the floor
  • Clean up shift (may include heavy lifting)
  • Note: If your husband volunteers for the set up or clean up shift, he can give his early shopping pass to you!

Please sign up for volunteer shifts through the worker registration page:
Register for a Volunteer/Worker Shift

Sign Up Early! Limited Shifts Available!